Tag: Author update

#DT2 Update 3.4.19

#DT2 Update 3.4.19

Just had a Book Launch for Grumpy, Lumpy, Frumpy and Stumpy, it was a lot of fun. Lots more book launches coming this year. Plus finally more comic books!

#DT2 Update 12.4.18

#DT2 Update 12.4.18

Can you buh-LIEVE that this year is over?? I remember ringing in 2018, and now we’re saying goodbye. Just wow.

DT2 Update 11.6.18

DT2 Update 11.6.18

Has it really been that long since I posted an update? Wow….I guess so!

Anyway, I had some severe internet issues over the summer, took me a while to resolve them, but I’m back now. Continue reading DT2 Update 11.6.18

DT2 Update 6.5.18

DT2 Update 6.5.18

It’s the first Tuesday of the month! Time for a DT2 Update: -Biggest news….I am now on Patreon! CLICK HERE to go to my Patreon page. I’m making comics, short stories, fanfic and music. It’s exclusive content!

DT2 Update 5.1.18

DT2 Update 5.1.18

Okay I totally know it’s Thursday! I’m late with this update because: I have been working feverishly hard on my new Academy, Authors At Last. It’s designed to give training to authors at any level of their career, and especially if you’re just getting started 

DT2 Update 4.3.18

DT2 Update 4.3.18

It’s the first Tuesday of the month! Time for an DT2 Update:

My Diary of a Smart Black Kid: Sixth Grade book is connecting with audiences; Continue reading DT2 Update 4.3.18

DT2 Update 3.6.18

DT2 Update 3.6.18

It’s the first Tuesday of the month! Time for an DT2 Update: My children’s book Diary of a Smart Black Kid: Sixth Grade is about a boy named Baron Winters. He’s smart, black, geeky and has to navigate his way through his first year of 

DT2 Update 2.6.18

DT2 Update 2.6.18

It’s the first Tuesday! Time for a DT2 Update: 1) The FREE BETA VERSION of Soldiers & Serpents is here. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

DT2 Update 1.2.18

DT2 Update 1.2.18

It’s the first Tuesday! Time for a DT2 Update:

Basically I’ve been writing, writing, writing! Trying to get so many sequels and games out. Continue reading DT2 Update 1.2.18

DT2 Update 11.7.17

DT2 Update 11.7.17

It’s the first Tuesday! Time for a DT2 Update: Sorry I was so late getting this one out. November has been and always will be a busy month! 1) I was a vendor at WindyCon for the first time, and it was awesome. Very few