Press Release: Public Beta of Soldiers & Serpents RPG 2.12.17

Press Release: Public Beta of Soldiers & Serpents RPG 2.12.17

For release on February 12, 2017:

House of DT, Inc.
Four-in-Hand Games

Contact: Wanda Gibert –

With Soldiers and Serpents, role-players get to choose their own destiny.

Skokie, IL. – February 12, 2017 – Your fate is up to you. You are dealing with the aftermath of Lucifer’s attack on Heaven. You have a choice to use lightside powers or darkside powers to accomplish all your missions. But beware….if you go too dark, you can’t go back.

Players get to experience the intense struggles as their favorite characters from Lucifer: Soldiers, Serpents and Sin Book 1. It’s all about choosing who you are and who you want to be. You have a Choir to help you out, you have powers, weapons, and a mission, but how you complete that mission is up to you. Every time.

In this fun and intense game, the unusual mechanics involved mean that players are no longer at the mercy of the roll of the die, or the gamesmaster. In this beta version, players will get to choose from one of four types of angels: Seraphim, Cherubim, Gladiator, and Grigori. Whether or not each player ends up on the side of light remains to be seen.

Click HERE to download the Beta version.

About the Authors:

David Taylor II is a sought‐after author, songwriter, producer and playwright. He has received Black Theater Alliance awards, written top ten music singles, created national commercial campaigns, and penned number one selling books. As a speaker, he has worked with schools, day camps, and churches from coast to coast.

Eric Simon has been creating games for over twenty years, and has broken records with his ground breaking Rockalypse game.

To arrange an interview with the authors, or to request a review copy, contact

Wanda Gibert at HODT Books – (773) 792-7748.



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