DT2 Update 11.7.17

DT2 Update 11.7.17

It’s the first Tuesday! Time for a DT2 Update:

Sorry I was so late getting this one out. November has been and always will be a busy month!

1) I was a vendor at WindyCon for the first time, and it was awesome. Very few things I love more than hanging around my Geek Peeps! Lots of new friends, new fans, it was a great time.

2) I’m going to be on TV! I’m going to be interviewed on the WLS Morning show on Saturday, November 25th at around 6:00 am. They’re going to be talking to me about the con that weekend and my book, Lucifer: Soldiers, Serpents and Sin. So excited!

3) I’m a vendor and a speaker at Chicago Pop Culture Con. I’ll be speaking on Comic Book movies on Sunday, November 26th at 11 am. I’ll also have a vendor booth for signings. Stop on by!

Lots of great things happening. There’s more too, but I’ll save that for next time. Watch this space!


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