DT2 Update 11.6.18

DT2 Update 11.6.18

Has it really been that long since I posted an update? Wow….I guess so!

Anyway, I had some severe internet issues over the summer, took me a while to resolve them, but I’m back now.

I’m appearing at Chicago Pop Culture Con on November 24th & 25th! If you’re in town, please stop by my vendor booth and say hello!

I’m releasing my #ToxicEarth series early in 2019. If you love sci fi, you’ll love this one. And it’s going to make you really mad. Heh.

I launched my comic book The Nephilim Wars on GoFundMe, and recently met my first goal. Still need help tho, got a ways to go to be fully funded. You can get a cameo in the book and even open a store in the story world. Advertise your business or your brand!

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